Punjab State Women's Commission President Manisha Gulati has claimed that after registering a complaint against rapper Honey Singh, threatening phone calls are coming on social media. Along with this, he has been sending offensive messages. Explain that Manisha complained against rapper Honey Singh after using objectionable words for women in Song Makhan. After this, the Punjab Police filed a lawsuit against Honey Singh and Bhushan Kumar in some other streams including the Mator police station in Mohali (promoting vulgarity through songs) and 506 (threatening) in Mator police station. I will raise my voice about this matter." He further said, "I requested the police to arrest Honey Singh as soon as possible." He said, "This is a lesson for singers like Honey Singh who use vulgar words against women. Now the Woman panel will see other singers so that no one can use vulgar songs in their songs. up police si https://www.examlabonline.com/exam/up-police-si-mock-...